Your success – both inside and outside the classroom – is a priority at Tippie!

The Tippie Toolkit serves as the hub for support for Tippie students, staff, and faculty. On this page you will find information about the student success workshop series, academic support resources, basic needs (food, housing, etc.) resources, academic probation assistance, faculty and staff resources, and more. We are invested in seeing students succeed in Tippie and beyond!

Don’t see a resource listed or have questions about something found here? Email Adrienne Maxwell, Associate Director of Student Success.

Student Success Workshop Series

The Student Success Workshop Series is held throughout each fall and spring semester. All students are welcome to attend. Registration is not required, but by registering you will receive a calendar invitation, virtual log-in information (if applicable), and reminders about the event. The workshop schedule will be finalized by Friday, January 17 and will be regularly updated throughout the semester.

If you have additional topics you would like to see offered or have questions about the current schedule, please contact Adrienne Maxwell, Associate Director of Student Success.


Academic Skills & Behaviors
General Study Skills

Develop a method for how to study, learn about the study timeline, and be equipped with practical study strategies that you can use throughout your academic career. Presented by Academic Support & Retention. 

Tackle Midterms Like A Pro

Learn how to apply metacognition to help them study for midterm exams, plan study sessions and commitments around exams, and mentally prepare for exams. Presented by Academic Support & Retention.

Tackle Final Exams Like A Pro

Learn how to apply metacognition to help them prepare for final exams, apply effective time management practices for the end of the semester, develop a study schedule, and start mental preparation for before, during, and after final exams. Presented by Academic Support & Retention.

Health and Wellness
Outsmart Rejection

Rejection can be a painful part of life, whether in relationships, socially, academically, or in your career. Students will learn skills and strategies to working with rejection and ways to be compassionate with their self along this journey.  Presented by Tippie’s Embedded Therapist & Tippie Thrive.  

Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination is a common concern for college students and can look many ways. In this workshop, students will develop an understanding of procrastination vs. prioritization, explore the causes of their procrastination, and build skills to work through their behavior of procrastination. Presented by Tippie’s Embedded Therapist & Tippie Thrive.

  • Wednesday, March 26th at 1pm in S104 PBB – Register Here - LOCATION CHANGE
Bouncing Back in Times of Stress: Resiliency

Learn about resiliency, including what it is, why it is important, the barriers to being resilient, and how to apply strategies to bounce back in times of stress. Presented by Academic Support & Retention. 

University of Iowa Resources
Make the Most of Your Summer: Strategies for a Meaningful Break

Be intentional with your summer break! Whether you’ve already planned your summer or are still figuring it out, this workshop is for students who want to maximize their summer experience. Students will learn how to use time wisely to build valuable skills, explore new opportunities, and discover the tools available to support their growth—all while enjoying the freedom that summer offers. Presented by Tippie Career Services. 

Tippie Undergraduate Program Office (UPO)
Study Abroad Workshops

Throughout the semester we will host workshops for you to learn more about studying abroad. Presented by Tippie UPO, CIMBA, and/or the Office of Study Abroad. 

  • Tuesday, February 4th 11:30am-12:30pm in TBD 
  • Wednesday, April 9th 4-5pm in TBD
Academic Planning Workshops

Having a strong academic plan is crucial to your success as a student. Join this drop-in style workshop for assistance in creating and editing your academic plan. Facilitated by Tippie UPO.

  • Monday, March 24th 3-5pm in S401 PBB (for Pre-Business students)
  • Thursday, April 10th 10am-12pm in W401 PBB
  • Tuesday, April 15th 3-5pm in W401 PBB
  • Monday, April 21st 10am-12pm in W401 PBB (for Pre-Business students)
Early Registration Troubleshooting Workshops

Join this workshop to get support on brief technical questions (how to join a waitlist, help adding/switching a section, context on section restrictions, etc.) during a busy time of the semester when responses from advisors can take longer than usual. You can drop in any time to receive support from a Tippie advisor. These workshops are not for scheduling/course planning. Please attend an Academic Planning Workshop or schedule a meeting with your advisor for course planning support. Facilitated by Tippie UPO.

  • Friday, April 18th 11:30am-1pm in C410 PBB (accessible via Biz Hub) 
  • Wednesday, April 23rd 2:30-4pm in PBB South Galleria (outside of C140 PBB)
Graduation Check Workshops

Graduating in the next academic year? Join this drop-in style workshop for assistance with a graduation check to ensure you are set to graduate with your intended graduation timeline. Presented by Tippie UPO. 

  • Thursday, January 30th 11:30am-1:30pm in PBB South Galleria (outside of C140 PBB - UPO)

  • Wednesday, April 30th 2-4pm in C324 PBB - Biz Hub

  • Tuesday, May 6th 11:30am-1:30pm in PBB South Galleria (outside of C140 PBB - UPO)

Chronological Workshop Schedule
  • Grad Check: Thursday, January 30th 11:30am-1:30pm in PBB South Galleria
  • Study Abroad: Tuesday, February 4th 11:30am-12:30pm in TBD 
  • Study Skills: Thursday, February 6th at 3pm in S401 PBB 
  • Midterms Prep: Monday, February 17th at 10:30am in S401 PBB
  • Rejection & Self-Compassion: Tuesday, March 4th at 2pm in S401 PBB
  • Academic Planning (Pre-Business Students): Monday, March 24th 3-5pm in S401 PBB
  • Procrastination: Wednesday, March 26th at 1pm in S104 PBB - LOCATION CHANGE
  • Career: Thursday, April 3rd at 10am in S401 PBB 
  • Resiliency: Wednesday, April 9th at 11:30am in S401 PBB
  • Study Abroad: Wednesday, April 9th 4-5pm in TBD
  • Academic Planning: Thursday, April 10th 10am-12pm in W401 PBB
  • Academic Planning: Tuesday, April 15th 3-5pm in W401 PBB
  • Registration Troubleshooting: Friday, April 18th 11:30am-1pm in C410 PBB
  • Academic Planning (Pre-Business Students): Monday, April 21st 10am-12pm in W401 PBB
  • Registration Troubleshooting: Wednesday, April 23rd 2:30-4pm in PBB South Galleria
  • Finals Prep: Tuesday, April 29th at 1pm in S401 PBB
  • Grad Check: Wednesday, April 30th 2-4pm in C324 PBB
  • Grad Check: Tuesday, May 6th 11:30am-1:30pm in PBB South Galleria 

Academic Support and Resources

At the Tippie College of Business and University of Iowa there are a wide variety of academic resources to support students and their academic achievement. Be sure to review your course syllabus and ICON sites for course-specific resources such as office hours and/or TA help labs. Your instructor and TAs are best equipped to answer questions related to course content. Below you will find more information about various resources both in and outside of the Pappajohn Business Building.

Do not hesitate to reach out to your academic advisor if you have further questions about finding the right academic support service for you!

Frank Business Communication Center

The Frank Business Communication Center is the Big 10’s first business-specific writing and communication center! The Frank Center’s peer consultant program, unique partnership with academic departments, communication resources, and coaching of Tippie student teams for case competitions helps ensure Tippie graduates are career-ready communicators. The Frank Center tutors in writing, visual design, and presentation for all Tippie class assignments as well as resume review, cover letters, and interview preparation. Learn more about who can make an appointment and what types of appointments are offered below.

  • Who can make an appointment? Tippie students looking for assistance with assignments in any class, even non-business courses, can make an appointment. Tippie students are also eligible for career preparation and graduate entry materials support. Non-Tippie undergraduate students taking a Tippie course and/or pre-business students looking for assistance with admission appeal essays are also eligible to make a communication consultant appointment.
  • What type of appointments are offered? In-person and online 30-minute appointments can be a writing appointment, design and visual presentation appointment, or even a group appointment.
  • How do you make an appointment? Learn more about how to use the Frank Center’s services, view their hours, and schedule an appointment today. They also take drop-ins!

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a free resource that helps you figure out how to be successful in your course. Starting in Spring 2025, SI sessions for business specific courses (listed below) will be held in the C410 PBB - South Reading Room! The SI Leader is a student who did well in the course previously, and will facilitate activities to help you better understand the course material and how to study smarter. SI sessions are collaborative, informal, and offered multiple times each week. Session days and times can be found on the SI website for all courses and on the pages for the business core courses supported by SI linked below. We have also included additional details about finding the new student success space in PBB housing SI sessions starting spring 2025!

How to get to C410 PBB - South Reading Room:
Take the stairs or elevator in PBB to the Biz Hub on the 3rd floor. From there you can take the Biz Hub center stairs or Biz Hub elevator to the Quiet Space on the 4th floor. C410 PBB - South Reading Room is to the right off the stairs or to the left off the elevator on the South end of PBB.

Tutor Iowa

Academic Support & Retention offers Tutor Iowa as a resource to find academic assistance for University of Iowa undergraduate courses. In addition to the wide variety of academic support resources listed below, Tutor Iowa also serves as a platform to request an academic success workshop for your class, department, or student organization. Academic advisor pro tip: try out various resources early and often to find the right fit for you!

  • Campus Help Centers: Several departments on campus offer academic support. Check out the various locations and the services they offer including the Mathematics Tutorial Lab, Statistics Lab, Center for Language and Culture Learning, and more!
  • Academic Tips Videos: Watch these short, yet impactful, videos for skills and tactics to help build your toolbox for academic success. Video topics include how to succeed in specific types of classes, using academic support, studying & preparing for exams, and more.
  • Academic Tips Worksheets: Check out these interactive worksheets for tips, strategies, and information to help you succeed in a variety of areas. Worksheet topics include communication, stress management, test taking, time management, and more.
  • Private Tutors: These tutors have been approved by Tutor Iowa Administration confirming they are UI students who have earned 12sh or more at UI, have a UI GPA of 3.33 or higher, have earned at least a B in the course(s) they support, and have completed the Tutor Iowa Orientation. Appointments and fees are negotiated privately between the tutors and students requesting services. More information about requesting a tutor or becoming a tutor yourself is available through Tutor Iowa.

Student Disability Services

Student Disability Services (SDS) collaborates with students, faculty, and staff to create an accessible educational environment for all. SDS provides support and academic accommodations for students with disabilities. Applying for accommodations is important to ensuring all students have equal access to course materials and activities.

Student-specific Resources

Sometimes you have access to specialized support resources based on your unique student experience. Check out the additional academic support opportunities here:

  • Are you a TRIO student? TRIO SSS offers individual and small group tutoring for a variety of courses. You can request a tutor for as many courses as you would like each semester and subject to availability, will be matched with a tutor. Learn more and submit the tutor request form through TRIO SSS.
  • Are you a student-athlete? Student-Athlete Academic Services coordinates free tutoring to all student-athletes. Tutors and learning assistants can help with course content as well as study strategies. Learn more about how to request support through Student-Athlete Academic Services.
  • Are you a Veteran or military-connected student? IVETS offers a variety of services to students in the Veteran and Military-Connected (VMC) community, including a variety of tutoring services, academic support programs, and transition support courses. Learn more about how to access these resources through IVETS.
  • Are you in the BizEdge Mentorship program? BizEdge connects undergraduate business students with other students to form connections, access resources, and navigate your way through Tippie. Learn more about the academic support guidance provided through BizEdge.

Marvin A. Pomerantz Business Library (Biz Hub)

The Marvin A. Pomerantz Business Library is home to the beloved Biz Hub! This is a great space to find your favorite study spot, reserve a group room for an upcoming group project, check out a forgotten charger/device for the day, review the library's extensive databases, and more! Students can contact one of the business librarians to assist with research inquiries and assignment help by email at or in person through a reference consultation.

Understanding Academic Probation

Academic probation is not a phrase Hawkeyes, and their support systems, want to hear. Being placed on academic probation signals that your GPA has fallen below a 2.0 in at least one of the following categories: cumulative GPA, UI cumulative GPA, business GPA, UI business GPA, major GPA, UI major GPA. While you may have experienced some academic challenges, a new semester offers an opportunity for improvement and here at Tippie we want you to know you are not in this alone. We understand that there are many factors that contribute to your success and we encourage you to complete the steps listed below and review the resources throughout this page as you work to return to good standing.

  • Meet with your Academic Advisor: They are your #1 resource for navigating academic probation! Advisors can review resources, answer questions, and assist in better understanding Tippie’s academic probation procedures. Contact your advisor via email or by scheduling an appointment through MyUI.
  • Complete the Student Success Contract: Reflect on the previous semester and set goals that will lead to your success moving forward. It must be completed by the 10th academic day of the semester and reviewed with your academic advisor. Use the fillable pdf to complete the contract electronically or print this pdf to complete it by hand.
  • Attend One (or More) Student Success Workshop: View the schedule above to learn more about the student success workshops offered each semester. You are required to attend at least one workshop while on academic probation, but you are encouraged to participate in multiple workshops for maximum impact.
  • Review Tippie’s Probation Policies & Procedures: Students may be dismissed from the University of Iowa at any time for unsatisfactory academic performance. Review Tippie’s academic probation and dismissal policies and procedures, then reach out to your advisor with any questions.

Major, Minor, & Certificate Exploration

So, what are you studying? Don't worry—there's a Tippie major for everyone: the techie, the creative, the innovator, the number cruncher, and the jack-of-all-trades. Layer your major on top of Tippie's business core, and dive deep into the area of study that fascinates you. All Tippie students are required to declare one of our business majors. However, students sometimes choose to declare more than one business major or add a second program of study through a minor, certificate, or non-business major. Many of our majors have created major toolkits for you to further explore the opportunities within the major here at Iowa and beyond. We encourage you to review these resources and talk with your academic advisor about your interests!

Student Success Resources

We often see the challenges students face outside of the classroom can impact their achievements inside the classroom. At the Tippie College of Business and University of Iowa, students have access to programs and resources that give them added support when they need it beyond the academic support resources previously highlighted. Below you will find information about a variety of resources including basic needs, wellness, finding your community, professional development, and more.

Do not hesitate to reach out to your academic advisor if you have further questions about securing the support you need to be successful!

Basic Needs and Support

The Office of the Dean of Students has a long-standing commitment to supporting the health and well-being of all UI students. This is exemplified through their focus and dedication in addressing students' basic needs so they have the ability to thrive and achieve their academic goals. At Iowa, basic needs is defined as equitable access to nutritious and sufficient food; safe, secure, and adequate housing; healthcare to promote sustained mental and physical well-being; affordable transportation; affordable technology; resources for personal hygiene care; as well as childcare and related needs.

Review UI Basic Needs and Support website and links listed below for more information. If you need additional support, please reach out to your academic advisor.

  • Food Resources: You will find information about several local options in Iowa City, Coralville, and North Liberty. Including the UI Food Pantry located in the IMU and Hawkeye Meal Share where people can donate unused guest meal swipes to any UI student in need. 
  • Housing Resources: You will find information regarding local housing resources, including Student Legal Services who can assist with landlord/tenant law.
  • Child Care Resources: These resources can help you coordinate alternative child care arrangements due to school closings or other issues.
  • Clothing Resources: The UI Clothing Closet located in the IMU provides UI students, postdoc, faculty, and staff with access to quality, new or used, professional clothing at no cost. The QT Closet located in the Pride Alliance Center provides gender-affirming clothing that is both free and sustainable to the UI and Iowa City communities.
  • Emergency Funds: The Dean of Students Office has funds created to assist and support UI students who encounter an unforeseen financial emergency that would prevent them from continuing their education at Iowa. They also have a Student Name Change Fund for UI students needing assistance with legal name changes, but with limited financial means or support.
  • Extended Academic Absence: If you find yourself needing to miss courses for 5 or more days, you may want to request an official absence notice be sent to your faculty members. 

Physical and Emotional/Mental Wellness

Ensuring your physical and emotion/mental health are well taken care is an important part of success in your education. It can be easy to think you don’t have time for this type of care, however if you are to take care of yourself in these ways it can benefit your education.


  • Tippie’s Embedded Therapist-Kati Schneider: Individual therapy, support groups, mental health wellness workshop and programming, one-time sessions, connection to on and off campus resources. The Embedded position is with UCS. 
    • Tippie Thrive-Peers Supporting Peers: a program that focuses on strategies and programming to improve students' emotional and mental wellness.
  • University Counseling Services: Services include: Individual or group therapy, support groups, mental health wellness workshop and programming, one-time sessions, connection to on and off campus resources.
  • Well-Being at Iowa: Serves as the comprehensive hub for more than 200 mental health and well-being resources for faculty, staff, and students. An easy-to-use search function helps you quickly find the information you need, when you need it.
  • Student Health: Primary, Gynecology and Mental Health care.
  • Student Wellness: Programming focused on mindfulness, nutrition, sleep, stress management, alcohol & drug support, fitness and wellness coaching
  • Collegiate Recovery Program: Therapeutic and educational support of students who are considering recovery, in recovery, or wanting to support those in any stage of recovery from addiction.
  • Women’s Resource and Action Center: Services include individual counseling and violence prevention. particular focus on women, through activism, social justice initiatives, leadership training, advocacy, service, and personal and professional development.
  • LGBTQ Clinic: Medical and Mental Health support services, including assessments and therapy.
  • Emergency & Crisis Resources:

Finding Your Community at Iowa

We know that students who are engaged in their campus experience are more likely to be successful as University of Iowa students. In Tippie and across campus, we offer ways to help students enhance their student experience outside of the classroom through programming, service, cultural experiences, leadership, civic engagement, community building, and more. If you have questions about any of the resources listed below, check-in with your academic advisor for additional support. 

Career, Internship, & Professional Resources

Your career path starts now! In the Tippie College of Business and at the University of Iowa there are teams of career professionals eager to assist you in your exploration and preparation for your career possibilities. We encourage you to review the resources below to start building your network, engaging in meaningful professional experiences, and to begin taking advantage of the transformational services you have access to as a student at Iowa.   

  • Pomerantz Career Center: This center serves all undergraduate students at the University of Iowa through career coaching, academic and leadership programs, resume and cover letter support, career preparation resources, employment opportunities, and more. They host various career fairs each semester and offer different career assessments to help you explore your interests. Schedule a career coaching appointment via MyUI or meet with a Peer Advisor during weekly drop-in hours.
  • Internships: We encourage every Tippie student to explore the internship opportunities available to them in their preferred career field. Internships serve as a great way for students to gain valuable applied experience outside of the classroom, while building meaningful connections in their field prior to graduation. Your internship can be part of the Tippie RISE experience if you complete one of the approved internship courses. Tippie students have held internships across the county and even abroad! Find the right fit for you by taking advantage of the many resources provided through Tippie Career Services and the Pomerantz Career Center.
  • Tippie Career Services: The undergraduate team is taking an integrated approach to serve Tippie students by facilitating the academic internship course BUS3100, providing business resume support, assisting student organizations with Tippie-specific events and opportunities, and sourcing job and internship leads. In addition to their website, check out their interactive monitors outside their office – W160 PBB. Be sure to join the Undergraduate Career Services group on LinkedIn to stay connected! To contact TUCS, email the team at

Faculty and Staff Supporting Students

The University of Iowa has a variety of resources to help faculty and staff support, and when necessary, refer students to appropriate services. Below you will find various resources that will provide guidance to faculty and staff members who may have concerns for their students.

If you have questions about these resources or would like to inquire about resources not listed, please contact Adrienne Maxwell, Associate Director of Student Success.

Promoting Well-Being in the Classroom

Student Wellness created a resource for faculty that provides strategies and ideas to promote students' well-being in the classroom and in general teaching practices. As faculty, you play a key role in creating and fostering a positive learning environment and you can nurture your students’ success by creating an environment that is welcoming, supportive, and encourages healthy behaviors. 

Center for Teaching Resources

The Center for Teaching is an advocate for effective, evidence-based, reflective teaching and delivers resources to advance teaching and learning excellence at Iowa. The Center for Teaching and the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology offer tools, tips, and resources in the form of teaching services, events, workshops, newsletters, consultations, faculty learning communities, and more. 

Responding and Reporting Resources

As a faculty or staff member in Tippie, it is important to understand how to respond in times of distress and how to report concerns. Review the resources below for more information.

Emotional and Mental Health Referrals in Tippie

Tippie partners with University Counseling Services (UCS) to have Embedded Therapist, Kati Schneider, LISW. As an Embedded Therapist, Kati understands the unique experiences and needs of business students as they manage stressors experienced during college. Staff and faculty can make referrals directly to the therapist, but only if they have received verbal consent from a student to do so. Learn more at the links below.

Employee Assistance Program

Managing the competing demands of work and family life is more challenging than ever. Supporting students, especially students in distress, can heighten feelings of stress. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides integrated services to faculty, staff, post docs, and their family members to promote emotional well-being. EAP offers confidential and short-term counseling, consultation for supervisors/managers, as well as information and referrals to community resources. Learn signs of stress, ways to cope, and where to turn during and after a crisis through EAP.

Undergraduate Program Office Staff

The Undergraduate Program Office (UPO) staff is here to answer questions you may have about supporting students in the Tippie College of Business! Each student’s academic advisor is a member of the UPO team and is a great resource for concerns you may have regarding a student you are working with. Below you will find additional information about who to reach out to for further assistance from the UPO.