This award honors 21 Tippie or pre-business students who excel in at least two categories: leadership, scholarship, experiential learning, and Expanding Perspectives and Building Community. No matter their age, ALL Tippie students admitted to the College and declared Pre-Business students are eligible to be nominated if they demonstrate excellence in the formerly mentioned categories.

Nomination Deadline: Monday, March 10, at 9:00 a.m.

Please select one of the following
Please check at least TWO of the following categories in which the nominee excels.
In 300 words or less, please describe why you believe the nominee should be selected to be one of Tippie’s Top 21. Nominated students will supplement their nomination with an emailed resume and cover letter to provide the selection committee with additional information about their involvement in the four areas. Students who are chosen for this honor will be recognized at the Student Leadership Awards Reception in April.

Optional Nominator Information

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