Meet our current senators, who share their favorite aspects of the Senate.

Alexis Elwood

Alexis Elwood

President, Junior

"My favorite part about Tippie Senate is working with people who are so passionate and hardworking! I've met some of my closest friends in Tippie Senate!"

Michael Murnin

Michael Murnin

Senior Vice President, Junior

"Getting to work towards initiatives that have a real impact on Tippie Students and making a difference with a great group of people."

Paige Reynolds

Paige Reynolds

Vice President of Operations, Sophomore

"Getting to know all of the other Senators!"

Meredith Arnold

Meredith Arnold

Vice President of Finance, Sophomore

"My favorite aspect of Tippie Senate is being able to work alongside student organizations and the Tippie faculty."

Nicko Dacre

Nicko Dacre

Vice President of D&I, Sophomore

"My favorite aspect about Tippie Senate *so far* is how the structure of Tippie Senate allows for members to feel that they belong at the college and are a part of the small community that Tippie Senate is comprised of."

Lauren Balster

Lauren Balster

Vice President of Marketing, Sophomore

"My favorite aspect of Tippie Senate is the people. The organization is made up of well-rounded, self-motivated, academic, and fun individuals. Everyone desires to make an impact to help the greater student body, which is so special!"

Caroline Brinks

Caroline Brinks

Student Affairs Committee Head, Senior
Emma Chase

Emma Chase

Case Competition Co-Committee Head, Senior

"I love being surrounded by so many driven people that are passionate about creating change!"

Ryan Perry

Ryan Perry

Case Competition Co-Committee Head, Junior

"What I am most looking forward to is the opportunity to work with my peers to make Tippie a better community overall."

Thomas Burgfechte

Thomas Burgfechtel

Senator, Senior

"Having the ability to see the backend work that goes on in our business school."

Adam Hasan

Adam Hasan

Senator, Junior

"Our creativity in finding ways to improve Tippie, and the support we receive to drive change."

Aliyah Johnson

Aliyah Johnson

Senator, Junior

"As a part of Tippie Senate I'm looking forward to supporting students by providing resources, putting on and supporting events, and sharing information on how they can maximize use of services offered through Tippie!"

Kyra Lester

Kyra Lester

Senator, Junior

"I’ve really enjoyed making connections with my fellow Senators and getting to work with the rest of the executive board to reshape Tippie."

Jacob Marscardo

Jacob Mascardo

Senator, Senior

"The amazing people!"

Allisa Pandit

Allisa Pandit

Senator, Junior

"My favorite aspect of the Senate is collaborating with other senators to better serve the Tippie undergraduate population."

Carter Rial

Carter Rial

Senator, Sophomore

"I'm most looking forward to getting to know the other senators and gaining a new perspective on the Tippie community as a whole."

Mina Song

Mina Song

Senator, Senior

"My favorite part about Tippie Senate is being able to collaborate with a really amazing group of people to work on things that we are all passionate about."

Ian Stortz

Ian Stortz

Senator, Sophomore

"I’m looking forward to spending time together with all the senators to execute strong objectives for Tippie."

Patrick Tunks

Patrick Tunks

Senator, Senior

"The great connections I have made with fellow students and staff!"

Darrell Washington

Darrell Washington

Senator, Sophomore

"My favorite aspect of Tippie is Senate is being around like-minded people who have the goal and passion of improving the community they are in. "