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Balance and time management
This section is dedicated to current Iowa MBA students. Being a working professional and an MBA student is all about balance. We understand, and we provide the support that helps you earn an MBA while balancing work, school, and family.

Newly admitted students
Brand new to the Iowa MBA? Welcome! Check out the first steps you need to complete, and get set up for success from day one.

Course schedule
See a list of upcoming courses and design a schedule that works for you. The schedule includes date, time, location, and prerequisites.

Course planning
Registration, advising appointments, curriculum, courses, plan of study, textbooks, technology requirements, and more.

Tuition and financing
Paying for your education (including FAFSA, loans, and VA benefits), deferring payment to semester's end for employer reimbursement, and more.

Certificates & dual degrees
Earn a certificate in marketing, finance, business analytics, leadership, or innovation. Plan early and earn some certificates with no additional courses.

Career services
Whether you're seeking a promotion in your company or a new position elsewhere, we're here to help get your resume and interview skills in shape.