Honor Code
The purpose of the University of Iowa MBA and master’s Honor Code is to ensure honorable and ethical behavior by MBA and master’s students. By accepting admission into an Iowa MBA and/or master’s program, a student implicitly agrees to follow the Iowa MBA and master’s Honor Code. Each student accepts personal responsibility to uphold and defend academic integrity and to promote an atmosphere in which all individuals may flourish.
By agreeing to the Honor Code, I:
- commit to scholastic honesty and integrity.
- agree to maintain the spirit of the Honor Code.
- strive to set a standard of honest and ethical behavior that reflects well on me, the Tippie College of Business, and the University of Iowa.
Student policies and procedures
Collegiate syllabus policies for MBA & Masters students (pdf)
Student Handbooks
MS in Business Analytics & MS in Finance (pdf)
Iowa MBA (pdf)
Part-Time Business Analytics Program (pdf)
Honor Code violation reporting
Faculty, Teaching Assistants, and Staff: Faculty, teaching assistants, or staff who discover Honor Code violations must report them to Graduate Management Program administration via completion of an incident report. The faculty member must also notify the accused student. Sanctions imposed by the faculty member for an incident within their course are at the discretion of each faculty member.
Students: A student who witnesses an Honor Code violation is expected to report the violation to the course instructor. Any student who is aware of an honor code violation but fails to report it threatens the spirit of the code.
To report an honor code violation: Complete an incident report. Note: When completing the incident report, please select Professional Student for the Student Status (see the following image).
If an honor code violation is reported, the violation will be reviewed using the processes in place for the specific graduate program. If the violation is proven, faculty have the authority to determine the academic sanction if the violation occurred in a specific course. The program administrator(s) determines the programmatic sanction.
Violation review process
Once a violation has been reported, the Assistant Dean, Program and Student Experience, Graduate and Professional Programs will email the student named on the violation report. The email will contain a copy of the incident report details, the nature of the sanction imposed by the instructor, and the appeal process and deadline.
A meeting will take place between the student, applicable Site Director, and the Assistant Dean to discuss the issue and determine the next steps.
For all first offenses, an academic integrity seminar will be required; details on how to complete the assignment and the deadline will be provided. Additionally, if there are future violations of the Honor Code or the Code of Student Life, the Tippie College of Business will take additional disciplinary action including the possibility of permanent expulsion from the College. All non-academic violations are referred directly to the Office of Student Accountability.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of punishable offenses under the Honor Code.
1. Cheating includes:
- Unauthorized use of notes, computers, calculators, translators, cellular telephones, texts, or other aids during a test or quiz.
- Copying the work of others and/or allowing others to view your answers or copy your work during a quiz, exam, or on homework.
- Communicating with a classmate without authorization during a quiz or exam.
- Continuing to work on an exam after time is called.
- Allowing other parties to assist in the completion of your quiz, exam, homework, paper, or project when not permitted.
- Copying or using answer keys and solution manuals without the authorization of the course instructor.
- Using online resources that are prohibited by the faculty.
2. Plagiarism includes:
- When a student takes language, ideas, or other material without acknowledging their source with respect to all course assignments and materials. (Adapted from the Council of Writing Program Administrators' definition of plagiarism.)
- When any member of a group takes language, ideas, or other materials without acknowledging their source for a group project or assignment. With respect to any plagiarism found in group submitted work, each individual group member may be held fully responsible and will at least be held partially responsible for the plagiarism.
- When a student makes multiple submissions of the same or nearly the same assignment in more than one course without prior approval from the instructor.
3. Unauthorized collaboration includes:
- Working with other students, whether in person or online, on homework, projects, or other course assignments without authorization from the course instructor.
Instructors are expected to specify in writing on the assignment or the syllabus the amount of collaboration that is allowed. Students are expected to check with their course instructor if they have any questions about what constitutes authorized collaboration.
4. Obtaining an unfair advantage includes:
- Stealing, reproducing, circulating, or otherwise gaining access to quiz, exam, or homework materials prior to the time authorized by an instructor.
- Retaining, possessing, using, or circulating previous given quiz, exams, or homework materials when those materials are to be returned to the instructor.
- Intentionally obstructing or interfering with another student’s academic work or otherwise undertaking activity with the purpose of creating or obtaining an unfair academic advantage over other students’ academic work.
5. Forgery includes:
- Altering a score, grade, or schedule change on an academic record.
- Forging the signature of an instructor, advisor, dean, or another student.
6. Facilitating academic dishonesty includes:
- Helping or attempting to help another individual commit an act of academic dishonesty.
7. Resumé misrepresentation includes:
- Providing false information on your resume including work history, academic performance, leadership activities, or membership in student organizations.
- Failure to provide information regarding academic performance or enrollments such as not providing transcripts form any college or university in which you have enrolled regardless of whether or not you completed coursework.
- Failure to provide full disclosure or providing false information about job interviews and other reasons for class absences when asking faculty for excused absences or for a make-up for a quiz, exam, or homework.
Violations of the Honor Code will be handled under the procedures set forth in the Academic Integrity Procedures. In addition to academic sanctions issued by the faculty member, programmatic sanctions may also be levied. Egregious or repeat acts of academic misconduct may result in the student being put on probation or dismissed from the program.