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Academic advising, registration, and more
Your academic success is important to us. You have a dedicated academic advising team, available to guide you through the program and answer your questions along the way. They'll help you choose courses and map out a timeline that'll help you graduate on schedule (a schedule you get to decide). Explore this section for details about the academic side of the MS in Business Analytics (MSBA) and Business Analytics Certificate Programs.

How and when to register for classes, enrollment policies, changing your registration, adding/dropping courses, semester hour limits, and more.

Course descriptions
See a summary of each course's content and goals, including the core courses and a list of electives.

Plan of study
Map out your plan of study and see a flow chart with course options.
Business Analytics Course Flowcharts:
Business Analytics Planning Guides:
MSBA/MBA dual degree
Take your MS in Business Analytics (MSBA) to the next level by adding the Iowa MBA to round out your business skills. Explore this add-on to your MSBA, including how and when to apply.
Readmission policy
If you're not enrolled in any MSBA courses for three consecutive semesters—including a spring, summer, and fall (winter session doesn't count)—you'll need to apply for readmission. The readmission application is shorter than the typical app and there is no cost to apply.
How to apply for readmission: Apply through the Application Portal. Select "Readmission" in the admission type field.