Pappajohn Business Building (PBB)

At Tippie, we strive to create a supportive, welcoming, and accessible environment in the Pappajohn Business Building.

Single-user restroom

  • Located on the second floor, in C220A. Enter through the computer lab; take an immediate left, then another left. The restroom is on your right, across from the computer lab exit door.
  • Anyone can use this restroom.
  • Other UI Single User Restrooms.

Accessible doors

  • Enter through the parking garage underneath the building
  • Enter from the ground floor off the T. Anne Cleary Walkway, elevators are located on the ground floor near the parking garage
  • Enter the first floor through the door at the corner of the building off Market Street, directly across the street from Old Brick
  • Enter the first floor through the courtyard via the ramp and the main doors on the patio

Parking & transportation

Lactation room

Service animals

Sharps container locations

  • The FDA recommends that used needles and other sharps be immediately placed in appropriate disposal containers. The first-floor restrooms in PBB are equipped with disposal containers.

Evacuation chairs

  • Evacuation chairs are located on the fourth floor of PBB, in the stairwells outside S401 and W401.
  • Evacuation chairs can be an important tool to provide mobility impaired individuals with a safe way to evacuate the building in case of an emergency.
  • We encourage you to review the user guide of our chairs.
  • If you are interested in a demonstration on how to use the chairs or wish to practice using the chairs so you could help in case of an emergency, please contact Rick Adrian and we’ll make the necessary arrangements.