Most PBB controlled spaces are available for Tippie College of Business faculty, staff, students, and student organizations. Some limitations apply for individual student reservations noted below. You will be required to complete the room reservation web form below for your PBB room request.

Please review our room reservation guidelines for each room below. Contact the Dean's Office at 319-335-0862 or by email at: with questions.

Rooms in PBB

Please note that all room reservations require completion of the Reservations Checklist (PDF).


For multiple reservations: Use the "Purpose of Room Request" box to list any additional requests (be sure to include room type, date, and times).

To reserve a University Classroom, please go to University Classrooms - Student Organization Events. (This applies to these classrooms: C107C121C125C208C250S107S181S207S307W10W107W151W181W207, and W307.)

To reserve a room in PC 4th Floor: Faculty and Staff can reserve a room for their use or for a student through the PC 4th Floor Room Reservations on TIP. Contact Andrea Ferguson, with questions about PC 4th floor room reservations.

For Tippie Student Organizations

Submission of an EIF via the Engage platform is required to ensure permissions prior to an event with food. Bake sales are not permitted due to concerns regarding food safety, risk management, and liability. Organizations are permitted to re-sell pre-packaged goods from a vendor with express permission from the vendor. For more details, please review the Student Organization Handbook and the Tippie Student Organizations webpage. If you have any questions, please contact Tevin Robbins in the Undergraduate Program Office (C140 PBB) at or  319-335-1037.

Indicates required field
Affiliation with the university
Are you making a reservation on behalf of another faculty or staff member?

Please list their name and email address here:

Please note: Unattended tables are not allowed in the gallerias. Please make sure that at least one individual is present at all times. Rooms can be reserved only by faculty/staff. Students can reserve these rooms in advance only with faculty/staff approval. Otherwise the rooms are available for reserving with the kiosk outside the room at the exact time you wish to use it.

Type of room requested
You selected Galleria, do you need one table or multiple tables?
You selected College Patio, do you need any tables?
A Tippie Faculty or Staff name is required for students in the event the Dean’s office needs to follow up after the room has been used.
Do you need a reservation for one day or multiple days?

Indicate your start and end times below - be sure to allow time for set up and clean up

Will you be serving food and/or drinks for your room reservation?
Are your food or drinks UI Catered or non-UI?
All conference rooms and colloquium rooms include AV equipment. Please specify if any other equipment is needed.
Please review the reservation checklist (PDF) and initial below to confirm that you understand the requirements.