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We understand you have a lot of questions about how you can meet your goals and make the best of your time here at Tippie. In addition to the helpful information listed below, don't hesitate to contact your advisor with concerns. You can also check out the Office of the Registrar's site for more answers.
- Administrative drop policy
- Attendance policy and excused absences
- Double major or joint degree policies
- Enrollment policy for non-Tippie students
- Grading, Add/Drop Policy, Appeals
- Honor Code and Judicial Board
- Probation and dismissal
- Prerequisite course policies
- Collegiate syllabus policies for undergraduate students (pdf)
- BBA Degree core requirements
- Community college transfer guides
- GPA calculator
- Graduate in three years
- Registration information for common courses
- Scholarships for first-year students
- Scholarships for second-year students and up
- Scholarships for transfer students
- Study spots on campus
- Tippie Toolkit
- Tippie undergraduate newsletter/blog
- Absence from Class form
- Appeal—denial of admission
- Change of Registration form (pdf)
- Furthering Language Incentive Program (FLIP): Application for credit
- Graduate course enrollment approval form (pdf)
- Honor Code incident report
- Letter of recommendation release (pdf)
- Non-Tippie student enrollment request form
- Petition—late drop or withdrawal (pdf)
- Petition—retroactive withdrawal or drop (pdf)
- Second-grade-only option request
- Transfer course evaluation request