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Choosing the right internship course
Most students choose between Tippie’s 0 semester hour course or the Pomerantz Career Center’s 1-3 semester hour course detailed in the table below. *If you have any questions about registering for your internship, contact the Assistant Director, Careers and Engagement at Tippie.*
A few specialized work or certificate program internship courses are approved for Tippie RISE such as The Washington Center (CCP:2020), Entrepreneurship Internship (ENTR:4900), Event Planning Internship (EVNT:2110), and Leadership Certificate Capstone (LS:3011).
See the University Catalog for the full Tippie RISE class list.
Tippie college of businesS academic internship course | pomerantz career center academic internship course |
BUS:3100 | CCP:1201 Note: CCP:1006 does not satisfy Tippie RISE |
0 semester hours. Can be taken more than once. | 1–3 non-business semester hours. May be taken more than once for up to 3 credits total. |
No tuition or fees, but maintain student status. For loan and scholarship implications, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid. |
Pay tuition and fees per semester hour. Up to date costs can be seen on the Tuition and Fees Tables and varies by year in school and resident/non-resident status. For loan and scholarship implications, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid. |
Internship course appears on transcript; graded satisfied/unsatisfied (S/U) |
Internship course appears on transcript; graded satisfied/unsatisfied (S/U) |
Instructor from Tippie Undergraduate Career Services* | Instructor from Pomerantz Career Center |
Online course—no in-person meetings | Online course—no in-person meetings |
Set learning goals, complete one reflection paper and a final evaluation | Set learning goals, complete multiple reflection papers, a mini-mock interview, and an evaluation. |
Registration criteria & instructions; must complete enrollment request form | Registration criteria & instructions; must receive instructor approval |
*BUS:3100:0EXV (IIB - African Business Innovation Internship) is taught by an Institute for International Business instructor.
Securing and registering your internship
Step 1: Search and apply for an internship that fits your professional goals. Utilize the Assistant Director, Careers and Engagement at Tippie as you navigate this process.
When looking at your options, follow our guide to finding valuable internships.
Visit the Institute for International Business (IIB) - African Business Innovation Internship if you're pursuing their internship.
Step 2: Your internship must meet the outlined qualifications found here. Once you find and accept an internship offer, identify out of the 2 what course best fits your internship experience and confirm it meets the Tippie RISE graduation requirement. Prior to registering make sure you have prepared the requested outlined information found here. Then register for your internship experience at Tippie here.
If you register for your internship experience with Pomerantz Career Center go through Handshake.
To get the most out of this valuable professional opportunity:
- Connect your internship experiences to your coursework and career goals
- Stay on top of your progress and strategize how to gain more skills and experiences
- Receive support from the Assistant Director, Careers and Engagement at Tippie throughout your internship process
- Include internship on your transcript and depending on the course, you may earn semester hours towards your degree
- Satisfy the Tippie RISE experiential learning requirement
Step 3: Start your internship and internship course.
Tippie Major Business Toolkits
Identify valuable internships
How do you know what to look for? Find out how to spot a high quality internship and which ones to avoid so you know you'll gain the knowledge, skills, and network to further your professional goals.
Internship FAQs
We know you have lots of questions; you are not alone. Find the answers to the most commonly asked questions about internships and internship courses. If you can't find an answer you're looking for, let us know!
Find the right fit
The Pomerantz Career Center has many resources to help you find an internship... get advice on your resume, meet with a career advisor, search on Handshake, and visit the job & internship fair.