How do I prepare for a zoom interview?

There are important steps you need to take well before your virtual interview to be sure you're ready to make the best impression.

  1. Audio: Test this prior and be sure that your microphone is working.
  2. Lighting: Overhead lighting creates shadows. Three lighting sources are recommended lighting from the right, the left, and from behind you. The lighting creates a triangle that enhances features.
  3. Background: Ensure it is professional and neutral. 
  4. Professional username and profile picture.
  5. Wire up: Are connections secure and in place? Loose wires cause problems.
    “On-Air” Sign: Be sure to post that an interview is in progress to avoid embarrassing interruptions.
  6. Location: You want to be viewed as a professional. Sitting at a desk allows you to sit straight, utilize desk space for writing, and have your resume handy.
  7. Assemble a crew: Not really, but it can be handy to have a trusted friend available to check shadows and lighting, trouble-shoot, or assist. In any case, make sure you will not be interrupted.
  8. Portrait: It goes from shoulder to shoulder to the top of your head, with a few inches of clearance all the way around. Think high-school-yearbook or passport.
  9. Practice: Record a mock-interview (i.e., Big Interview) view and critique. Repeat.
    Practice your stories: Determine key talking points or language you want to use. You can even have a list of topics, words, data points, or cues posted near the camera for prompts. Think “teleprompter.”
  10. Appearance matters: Be sure that the clothes you have picked fit appropriately, are clean, and in good condition. This also includes hair, makeup, and jewelry.
  11. The interview is about you, but it is about “them” too. Be sure you are connecting your answers to the role, the future employer, and their products, mission, and services.
  12. Time zone: If the interview is live, be sure you are on time. Verify what time zone you are calling.