Accounting's unique resource

All required accounting courses share something in common. They each feature a writing, presentation, or visual communication component to prepare you for your career. Think of each of these assignments as stepping stones on the path to confidently communicating in the workplace, regardless of your chosen career path.

You can use this page to make an appointment with us and find helpful pointers for your writing assignments.

What exactly does the writing and communications program do?

  • Designs and supports writing, presentation, data visualization, and slide design assignments
  • Presents in-class tutorials to guide you with course communication assignments
  • Holds one-on-one advising appointments between communication consultants and students
  • Grades course assignments with helpful individual feedback
  • Conducts and grades the accounting writing skills assessments

Our team of specially trained communication experts will help you prepare for your assignments and develop the skills you need to succeed in your career.

Make an appointment

How to schedule an appointment


Contact Barb Wester, Assistant Director of the Accounting Writing and Communications Program.

Barbara Wester

Barbara Wester

Assistant Director, Accounting Writing and Communications Program
(319) 335-1232

Before you begin your writing assignment

What kind of document or project is it? Who is the audience? What resources are available?  Check out these class-by-class tutorials for the most up-to-date guidance for your assignments.

Now that have the information you need, you're ready to start.  Make an appointment with your course's professional Communication Consultant through the Writing and Communication Program's online scheduler.  For even more help, meet with a Frank Business Communication Center tutor.  

The Accounting Writing Assessment

Throughout your time in the Accounting major, you will complete a series of writing assessments to determine how much progress you've made.  These will occur in Income Measurement and Asset Valuation (ACCT: 3200), Valuation of Financial Claims (ACCT: 3300), and Auditing (ACCT: 4100).  After each assessment, you will receive a feedback sheet with scores in 5 key areas: Micro-skills, Thesis, Development, Writing Clarity, and Writing Style.  The assessment is a snapshot of your writing abilities and helps the Writing and Communications Program track student success.

Resources for the writing assessment

Writing Assessment Instructions (pdf)

Writing Assessment Sample Grade Sheet (pdf)

Tip Sheet for first-time assessment takers (pdf)

By reviewing these documents, you're all set for taking the Writing Assessment. Questions about the Writing Assessment can be sent to Barb Wester, Assistant Director of the Accounting Writing and Communications Program.

Person typing on a laptop computer

Sharpen your skills

What is a sentence fragment? How do you correctly use quotations? Can you avoid repetitive phrasing?  Get the right answers to these questions and more with all of our guides to help you with your micro and macro writing skills.

Macro skills

Clarity (pdf)
Style (pdf)
Thesis and development (pdf)

Micro skills

Mechanical (pdf)
Correct English (pdf)

Additional help

Need a bibliography?

We've got everything you need to know about generating a bibliography that's as awesome as your paper.

How to write a bibliography


The Accounting Writing and Communications Program is grateful for the generous support of Deere & Company, the Meredith Corporation, State Farm, and additional funding from alumni.

Accounting Writing Program Sponsor Logos