Meet top Tippie employers.

With the help of our amazing student interns, TCS wants to highlight engaged companies and their representatives' advice for Tippie students! Check back regularly for new insights from top Tippie employers.

Logo of the company Cottingham & Butler.

“Don’t be afraid to brag about yourself.”

As a recruiter for Cottingham & Butler, an insurance agency that thoughtfully assesses the risks and coverage tailored to their clients, Maddie has insight into recruitment and company interests, not to mention advice for students looking for a full-time job or internship. She spends her time working on current projects while also planning for almost a year into the future. Invested in all that she does, Maddie wants to ensure that she’s finding the right fit for both Cottingham & Butler when she recruits students, as well as the right fit for students themselves.  

Maddie has a few pieces of advice for graduating seniors and undergraduate students, but the overarching theme is the importance of being authentic throughout the recruitment process. In other words, don’t try to fit the role – find a role that fits you. “Be proud of who you are,” Maddie says. “Don’t be afraid to brag about yourself.”  

VMock, a free tool available exclusively to Tippie students, can help you understand if a role is the right fit for you. The platform is a resume builder and editor designed to optimize your resume for jobs in your field, and you can even upload a job description into the platform and compare it to your resume. Take time to reflect on your experiences and how you’ve applied your skills before interacting with employers. Consider adding this information to your LinkedIn profile too, and check out the career advice posted in the Tippie Undergraduate Career Services LinkedIn group to further enhance your skills.  

Logo of Echo Global Logistics

"Be yourself; you’ll find yourself more comfortable and find the right role for you.” 

Chris is a campus recruiter who knows the ins and outs of landing an internship or full-time position with Echo Global Logistics, where teams of experts work together to simplify transportation management with one-stop technology. Chris spends his time finding individuals who fit the company culture at the 12-15 universities he visits and manages company relationships. He says his goal is to increase brand awareness, which he does by attending career fairs, connecting with student organizations, and presenting in classrooms. 

Chris encourages students looking for an opportunity to avoid changing themselves to be the ‘perfect fit’ for a role. “It’s pretty clear when people are putting on a show,” he says. “Don’t be afraid to be yourself; you’ll find yourself more comfortable and find the right role for you.”  

Got upcoming interviews? Check out a virtual reality headset from W160 and utilize BodySwap, a VR simulation app that offers feedback on physical and verbal response. To stay up to date on available internship opportunities relevant to you, Tippie Undergraduate Career Services team updates our Lead Sheets bi-weekly with internship and full-time opportunities at companies that hire Tippie students.  

Ready to start your own career journey?

Visit the Lead Sheet page for your major to see current leads from top employers curated by TCS staff.

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