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Your career path starts with Tippie
Tippie Undergraduate Career Services is a new initiative to provide our students with personalized career support, job leads, and other useful career information. The office supplements existing university resources with helpful, timely career information and a personalized space where Tippie undergrads can find answers to their career questions.
Through targeted job opportunity research and outreach, Tippie Undergraduate Career Services distributes up-to-the-minute information that’s personalized to students’ majors and number of semesters completed. Students are able to access this information on this page, and also in the biweekly Lead Sheet email & circular, live on interactive monitors outside our office (W160 in the Pappajohn Business Building), and more.
Outreach efforts are optimized to fit in with students’ busy schedules and provide them with accessible, relevant career leads and professional development opportunities.
Highlighted resources
Meet with us
Have you enrolled in or already taken Pro Prep? If so, TCS can help you refine & achieve your career goals! We're here to answer your job and internship questions, as well as providing hassle-free for your Tippie student org's career event!
Our LinkedIn group
The Tippie Undergraduate Career Services LinkedIn group is open to students, alumni, and faculty. We post career event info, open positions, and employment tips & tricks on a regular basis, so add us to your feed today!
Career Guide
This comprehensive career manual includes industry data from Tippie grads, lists of career paths by major, interview prep/job search worksheets, and more! Download today and get an edge in planning your career.
Enter to win Airpods by telling us about your internship experience(s)!
Learning about students' internship experiences helps us customize our services for you & future students! Take our quick survey to let us know where you've had an internship and you'll be entered in a drawing for a pair of Airpods Pro (one entry per student). If you've participated in more than one internship as a Tippie student, we encourage you to submit details for each internship experience. The more information you share, the better we can represent the successes of Tippie students like you!
Recruiting & engagement with the Tippie College of Business
Tippie is more than a business college. It’s your solution for recruiting top talent, uncovering big ideas, solving business problems, and accessing unique expertise.
We prepare students for focused careers like investment banking, business analytics, or risk management. We bring together teams of students to work on real-world problems and develop recommendations your firm can implement.
Tippie helps organizations get their existing workforce ready to face the challenges of tomorrow. Close your company’s skill gaps with programs custom-tailored to your needs. Explore all that we have to offer our partners. The more connections you have with Tippie, the more you have to gain.
Corporate Sponsors

Contact us

Tippie Undergraduate Career Services
108 John Pappajohn Business Building
Suite W160
Iowa City, IA 52242