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Case Competition
The case competition committee is dedicated to helping plan our Spring 2025 internal case competition, with a focus on Sustainability. The competition is open to all colleges at the University of Iowa. The committee meets regularly to brainstorm case topics and to develop guidelines that align with university principles. The case competition committee plans to grow by hosting an external case competition open to other schools besides just the University of Iowa.
D&I committee
The Tippie Senate D&I Committee works to achieve 5 main goals:
- Foster inclusive campus culture and cultural competency
- Address bias and discrimination
- Provide support for marginalized students
- Increase access and opportunity
- Promote education and awareness
We strive to emphasize the importance of D&I education withing business and its importance in creating more empathetic and socially competent business professionals. Through the creation and implementation of D&I initiatives, we hope to bridge the gap between students, faculty, and alumni from varied backgrounds to foster a community in which everyone can thrive. We acknowledge the constant room for growth and improvement in our D&I efforts, so we encourage and welcome any feedback from members of our community.
The Tippie Senate Finance Commitee focuses on strategic financial stewardship, promotion of financial wellness and corporate engagement, and empowerment of student initiatives. This is accomplished through assessing financial sustainability and implementing data-driven strategies.
The finance committee focuses on increasing corporate engagement by ensuring every student has access to financial wellness resources and promoting the allocation of funds to all Tippie organizations. This fosters a culture of innovation, transparency, financial analysis, and equity. We also work on internal fundraisers on behalf of Tippie Senate with the goal of using profits to give back to the Tippie community.
The Tippie Senate Marketing Committee focuses on promoting the Tippie Senate brand and increasing transparency between Tippie Senate and the student body. This is achieved through highlighting different aspects of Tippie Senate consistently on social media platforms, communicating with different departments within Tippie, and updating current information in the Tippie Senate website.
The Tippie Senate Operations Committee oversees and runs any of the annual general operations of Tippie Senate, including the fall and spring recruitment processes, Almost Alumni Week, and the Tippie Case Competition.
Student Affairs
The Student Affairs Adhoc Committee Lead will liaise between the Tippie Student Orgs and Tippie Senate. This committee is focused on ensuring communication and authenticity with Tippie Student Organizations on behalf of Tippie Senate.
They will facilitate open dialogue and foster collaboration, ensuring that the needs and concerns of student organizations are heard and addressed. By maintaining a transparent and supportive environment, the Vice President of Student Affairs aims to enhance the overall student experience within the Tippie community. Their role is crucial in bridging any gaps and promoting a unified, engaged, and thriving student body.