Student-centered class

A learner-centered class, also known as student-centered or learner-driven instruction, places the learner at the center of the learning process. It shifts the focus from a teacher-centered approach, where the instructor is the primary authority, to one that empowers learners to take an active role in their own education. In a learner-centered class, the instructor serves as a facilitator and guide, supporting and guiding learners as they explore and construct knowledge. Here are some of the main key characteristics and principles of a learner-centered class.

Active engagement

Learners are actively engaged in the learning process through hands-on activities, discussions, problem-solving tasks, and collaborative projects. They are encouraged to participate, ask questions, and contribute their ideas and perspectives.

Personalized learning

Learner-centered classes recognize that learners have unique needs, interests, and prior knowledge. Instruction is tailored to accommodate individual learning styles, preferences, and abilities. Differentiated instruction and flexible learning pathways are employed to address the diverse needs of learners.

Flexibility and adaptability

Learner-centered classes are flexible and adaptable to meet the evolving needs of learners. Instructional strategies, resources, and assessments can be adjusted based on ongoing feedback and learner input. The class environment encourages exploration, experimentation, and adaptation to support individual and collective growth.