Double-down with a dual degree

If you have interest in both a broad understanding of business and an emphasis in analytics, add a Master of Science in business analytics to your Iowa MBA. Explore these options, including how and when to apply.

MBA/Master of Science in business analytics dual degree

Combine the Iowa MBA Program with a Master of Science in business analytics, and round out your business skills with data analysis and insight expertise.

In the dual MBA/MS, each degree program accepts, or cross-counts, courses from the other, which in effect cuts the credits you need by five courses. That’s 15 credit hours, the equivalent of about a year’s worth of classes, or about $10k in tuition. The MS in Business Analytics is available online.

Explore the program

When and how to apply

Planning ahead is important when you're seeking a certificate or dual degree. The requirements can seem complex, so talk to your academic advisor to ensure your plan of study is in alignment.

Admission to both programs (MBA and MS) is required to pursue the dual MBA/MS in business analytics.

Even if you've already been fully admitted to the Iowa MBA Program, you must apply and be admitted to the Master of Science in business analytics to earn the dual degree. See the MS admissions requirements.


You must apply to the Master of Science program before completion of your third business analytics course (9 s.h.). Choosing electives with the MBA/MS in mind will help you maximize the number of credits that will apply to both the MBA and the MS. Once admitted to the dual degree program, your academic advisor will help you outline a MBA/MS plan of study that lets you graduate in the fewest number of semesters.

How to apply

Apply separately to each program. See Iowa MBA admissions and Business Analytics admissions pages for details.