About us
The Jewish Business Association (JBA) - Iowa is an organization devoted towards providing a supportive community of Jewish and non-Jewish people who have a business mindset. The JBA also exists to educate the general population about customs and ideals and how to maintain them as it pertains to being a Jewish professional. Lastly, the JBA will bridge cultural gaps that exist at Iowa and encourage an inclusive community by participating in collaborative events with other affinity groups.
How to join
This is intended to be an inclusive organization, and is open to all University of Iowa students regardless of religious affiliation. There is no fee for membership.
Working with Iowa Hillel
The JBA works in collaboration with Iowa Hillel and is intended to be an organization that connects Jewish people across campus to one another. With the Jewish population at the University of Iowa at about 2%, we feel as though it is important to create a community of individuals who have similar experiences and ideals from their Jewish heritage. The JBA will help and teach members how to network and utilize their existing and growing networks to find opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Professional Development
We will meet once a month and will have a variety of activities ranging from LinkedIn headshots, resume workshops, bringing in speakers, and more. This organization is founded on Jewish ideals and hopes to heighten community awareness of our pluralistic values, which are also human values.
Contact us
Calli Miles