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Learning to tell your story
All Story Lab programming starts with a workshop features coaching throughout and concludes with an event showcasing stories from the program. While the photos here and below are from our on-campus programming, our online events follow a similar structure and approach.
Story Lab kickoff workshop
Story Lab begins with a kickoff workshop, where you'll learn the skills needed to craft stories and share them in a compelling way. We'll also explore how storytelling is a foundational leadership skill in both work and life. During the event, we'll crowdsource a story theme for our end-of-semester showcase.
“Story Lab is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to become a more confident leader and storyteller. The connections, lessons, and skills you’ll gain from this program will not only take you far in the business world but will also help you find & use your own unique voice.”
Story Lab showcase
Want to tell your story on a bigger stage? Following the kickoff workshop, you'll have the opportunity to continue working with a peer mentor and Story Lab Faculty Director Nick Westergaard to develop a story to share at our end-of-semester showcase. Story Lab events are open to the public and provide networking opportunities with the local business community as well as Tippie faculty, staff, and alumni.
Contact us

Nick Westergaard
Director, Story Lab